Friday, April 23, 2010

Sports: A major cause of the misconception of women in the work field

I hope the beginning of this blog doesn't throw any women off for a loop (I'm actually on your side here):

The other day I was having a conversation with my sister. It was about men and women in sports. Quickly into our conversation I was called a "sexist." Now my immediate reaction was shock because I had a good point, but when I would retract what I said, I can see she was just sticking up for her girls. I do not believe I am a sexist though, and she knows I'm not. I did grow up with a house full of just girls, and have come to truly appreciate the value and worth of a woman in this world. That outlook has only intensified since my marriage to such an amazing wife!

Our conversation was triggered by watching a brief highlight of a womens basketball game. I tend to speak whatever is on my mind to my wife and sisters. I had made the comment that it's a lot more fun to watch the guys play. I made mention that they are more athletic and the game is much faster. My sister immediately then made the "sexist" comment. I told her it's only true. In every single sport the men showcase a little more speed and athletic ability than the women. Even in the sports labeled as women's sports: Figure skating, gymnastics, dance, etc..... I made sure that my point wasn't to demoralize the woman; I was just simply making a statement. I still mentioned the fact that those women could destroy me in whatever sport they specialized in, but when it came to the best woman and man in that sport, the man would showcase the most ability.

This brought me to my next point that I firmly believe is taking place. It involves a true case of misconception and misunderstanding of women. There are probably many that may disagree with me on the above statement about women vs. men in sports, but it's true. However, many people have carried the women vs. men ability in sports, into the work field. This is where I step in and say it's completely wrong. Sports have been a big part of my life and is a major passion of mine, but I've seen the hurt and misconception it's brought into the workforce. Many have come to overlook the ability of women. If there were a basketball tournament going on and a big prize was involved, I'd obviously pick men to be on my team, but that doesn't mean I'd pick a man over a woman in the workforce. Some of the most talented and productive individuals in the workforce are women. Thank goodness for those women who still understand and know the influence they can have on this world. Unfortunately there are many women out there who have fallen prey to the insane assumption that a man is greater than a woman, and therefore are slowly deteriorating their own self worth. The other day I needed a tutor for 2 of my classes. As I looked around, I saw that 4 of the 5 tutors were women. They offered tremendous advice and tools to help me for my finals. It was a reaffirmation of the equal talent we share as human beings, and not as men and women. If I could send a message out to all corporations across the world, it would be to heavily incorporate women in the field. Too many people are participating in gender discrimination and it is killing our society. It's not only men to women but vice versa. We are all created equal and bring different talents and skills to the table. Who cares what gender you happen to be, you have a purpose and a special selection of talents and they are needed in this world, so let's use them!

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