Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Scarring Effect of Stereotyping

We all live in an enormous world filled with diversity. We are human but diversity is what separates us. I truly believe that because we have so many differences in this world, it has become a natural habit to label and classify certain individuals into categories. This is what's known today as Stereotyping.
It’s a sizzling hot day and you decide to go inside and grab a cold drink and watch some television. You hit the power button and find a football game on. The clashing of helmet to helmet, lightning speed, miraculous plays that you thought were never possible are all catching your eye. “How is this Possible?” may be a question that you ask yourself. I know of, and have heard many individuals state that the “stuff” they see on television is not natural. They say athletes who are increasingly improving their performance must be taking steroids or some kind of enhancement that doesn’t give the athlete credit for their hard work. This is a major pigeonhole that occurs in the world of sports.
In my years of high school football, I was able to perform with and against great athletes. One of the greats I played with was my own quarterback. He was phenomenal on the field and had every great feature of the game. We were both fortunate to become all-state performers at our position. There was a big controversy stating that he might have been using illegal substances; when in reality he was the last person on earth who would even consider taking them. It became clear that he was never involved with the crime and he deservingly received the award. That controversy has scarred him ever since and has even frustrated his friends and families. In return, it's negatively affected his overall play. That is why I am a strong believer that people just need to know and understand that greatness can be inherited from hard work. Not everyone who succeeds in their field of choice got there by cheating. Don’t attack too quickly, because immense scars can be left. I know there are many today who have fallen captive to illegal substance abuse, but more important than questioning someones integrity is looking for the good the individual has accomplished. Too many people are looking for the negative these days and its becoming a cancer to society. I know the world will be in good hands when I see the majority of people recognizing the greatness within each individual.

Michael Jordan and Small and Simple Things

I've recently completed an amazing work by Walter LaFeber entitled: "Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism." It's triggered many thoughts in my head, specfically the impact of small and simple things in our life, specifically in a sociological perspective. In this day and age we live in, many have come to understand the value and importance of “small things.” When looking at an enormous redwood tree, one may marvel that it began as a “small” seed. When beholding a massive ship on the coast of the ocean, many tend to forget that a “small” anchor is keeping the monster in place. Imagine how the people in biblical times felt when they beheld the gargantuan Goliath was defeated. They must have doubted that it was a “small” man in David who knocked him down. Think of the fatal disaster that commonly occurs in dry climates: wildfires. It usually takes a “small” match or a “small” cigarette thrown out the window to burn thousands and thousands of acres, homes, and innocent civilians. These are just a few examples of the effect that little things make in this world. When thinking on a sociological perspective and a global picture, specifically in advertisement, how can one forget the impact that Michael Jordan has made on the world today. Because of the “small” decision Michael Jordan made to play basketball, we as an earth, can see Global Capitalism in its full effect.
In the book Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism, Walter LaFeber conveys a very persuasive message that the global fame of Michael Jordan has caused major markets to boom and leave a massive impact on a worldwide level. Arguments can sway both ways after reading this book. One may finish thinking LaFeber is an extremist, or he hit every point right on the nose.
LaFeber does an outstanding job on explaining the history of basketball, its growth, and how Michael Jordan came into the picture. He gives a detailed outline on Jordan’s youth, to his league play, and life today. He paints a clear picture on the effect Jordan’s made on the globe. I believe the greatest example was the conveyed story of a college student Max Perelman. In an uncivilized village in Tibet, lied a group of human beings who seemed to have never stepped foot outside of their dwelling place. The groups of these Tibetans were mind boggled at the camera Max owned. Amongst this amazement came the shocking conversation about Americans and specifically the question on how Michael Jordan was doing.
Many may wonder why Michael Jordan? Lafeber explains how Jordan’s unexplainable grace, art, and talent on the floor caused him to literally be worshipped. There has never been anyone in the history of sports to catch and capture attention like Michael Jordan. There are endless moments he has provided for everyone to remember him for. I feel the growth of basketball had very little to do with the explosion of this athlete and the different markets that followed him. No matter what sport he plays, it’s more the magic and unbelievable skill he possesses that causes the marvel. The growth of the sport may have boosted the fame microscopically, but when one can capture the unexplainable effort on the court, it’s clear to see why everyone marveled at him. After explaining the childhood of Jordan, to the invention and growth of basketball, and the effect Jordan made on the world with his skill alone, LaFeber then stresses his main point throughout the book. Michael Jordan is the perfect example of how American corporations use someone or something to sell their products to the world.
Phil Knight seemed to be the major factor of this spread of global capitalism. LaFeber explains the process Knight took to make this happen. Who knew that a simple assignment at Stanford Business School would turn this hopeful business man to one of the most successful to ever walk the earth? It seemed that Knight had a pretty detailed plan on how he could make a shoe that would become much more than a shoe, but a world renowned symbol and company. It was clear that Knight was determined as ever to make a success out of this shoe. Traveling to Japan and bringing home the Tiger shoe to sell in America boosted that determination to keep with the shoe sales. Once he noticed Japan could’ve easily taken over the sales he was making off their shoes, he started the journey of his own creation. Once the shoe was created, along with ideas from his students, and with the help of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman, Knight launched arguably the most famous slogan in the world: Nike.
LaFeber touches on many sociological topics throughout the novel, and the effect it has had on a national and global level. He seems, however, to expend a good amount of time on the history of Michael Jordan, rather than the full effect he’s made with his appearance and performance. LaFeber in a cloudy way touches on the topic of functionalism. Its apparent LaFeber explained Jordan’s upbringing thoroughly to the audience, so they could see the effect he’s made on the lower class group. The most striking part of LaFebers writing was the shocking news of murder cases that happened, which seemed to be over material things (such as Jordans shoes). The battle of fashion is found almost everywhere you go. One will most likely find the latest Jordans and Nike gear in the ghetto or suburb of any big city. The constants battle of who’s got the nicest Jordan gear continues to boost the income of Michael Jordan and Nike. Overall, LaFeber could’ve directed more of his writing towards the effect Michael Jordan and Nike have made on a sociological perspective, but credit is given to him on writing a persuasive essay on the impact he’s made on the globe.

Former athletes at the pulpit

This post is more of a curiosity factor for me. I'm not here to judge anyone, just simply curious. I've been researching pastors who were former athletes, and the increase in their congregation size upon arrival at whatever church their involved in. There has been a significant increase in attendance and money earned. Do you think this is due to the actual sermons being preached or simply the fame that has entered the building? Granted, many of the sermons may be warm and heartfelt, but I know if I were head of a church that needed to pick slack up, why not recruit a star? I've had the opportunity to listen to Deion Sanders (one of the most conceited football players ever), who I actually admired growing up, give a sermon to a congregation. Let me just say football is his avenue. The building was packed full and the "Amens" were reaching other countries, but it was not a type of sermon you would expect with such a crowd.
This doesn't mean famous athletes have no right to be a religious leader, but I must say if they do, it has to be for the right reason. Listening to good ol' Deion was very entertaining for me. He is an amazing and talented football player, but I wasn't feeling what I look forward to feeling when awaiting a spiritual message. This has made me grateful for the individuals who have inspired me throughout my life. They aren't people who have acquired worlwide fame, they are just humble individuals looking to touch the hearts of those who genuinely want to hear. This teaches us a great lesson that spiritual and uplifting things can come from any single alley of life. It doesn't have to be from a celebrity. When you sincerely want to know truth or become inspired, Your higher power will deliver it to you in whatever way they see fit.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sports: A major cause of the misconception of women in the work field

I hope the beginning of this blog doesn't throw any women off for a loop (I'm actually on your side here):

The other day I was having a conversation with my sister. It was about men and women in sports. Quickly into our conversation I was called a "sexist." Now my immediate reaction was shock because I had a good point, but when I would retract what I said, I can see she was just sticking up for her girls. I do not believe I am a sexist though, and she knows I'm not. I did grow up with a house full of just girls, and have come to truly appreciate the value and worth of a woman in this world. That outlook has only intensified since my marriage to such an amazing wife!

Our conversation was triggered by watching a brief highlight of a womens basketball game. I tend to speak whatever is on my mind to my wife and sisters. I had made the comment that it's a lot more fun to watch the guys play. I made mention that they are more athletic and the game is much faster. My sister immediately then made the "sexist" comment. I told her it's only true. In every single sport the men showcase a little more speed and athletic ability than the women. Even in the sports labeled as women's sports: Figure skating, gymnastics, dance, etc..... I made sure that my point wasn't to demoralize the woman; I was just simply making a statement. I still mentioned the fact that those women could destroy me in whatever sport they specialized in, but when it came to the best woman and man in that sport, the man would showcase the most ability.

This brought me to my next point that I firmly believe is taking place. It involves a true case of misconception and misunderstanding of women. There are probably many that may disagree with me on the above statement about women vs. men in sports, but it's true. However, many people have carried the women vs. men ability in sports, into the work field. This is where I step in and say it's completely wrong. Sports have been a big part of my life and is a major passion of mine, but I've seen the hurt and misconception it's brought into the workforce. Many have come to overlook the ability of women. If there were a basketball tournament going on and a big prize was involved, I'd obviously pick men to be on my team, but that doesn't mean I'd pick a man over a woman in the workforce. Some of the most talented and productive individuals in the workforce are women. Thank goodness for those women who still understand and know the influence they can have on this world. Unfortunately there are many women out there who have fallen prey to the insane assumption that a man is greater than a woman, and therefore are slowly deteriorating their own self worth. The other day I needed a tutor for 2 of my classes. As I looked around, I saw that 4 of the 5 tutors were women. They offered tremendous advice and tools to help me for my finals. It was a reaffirmation of the equal talent we share as human beings, and not as men and women. If I could send a message out to all corporations across the world, it would be to heavily incorporate women in the field. Too many people are participating in gender discrimination and it is killing our society. It's not only men to women but vice versa. We are all created equal and bring different talents and skills to the table. Who cares what gender you happen to be, you have a purpose and a special selection of talents and they are needed in this world, so let's use them!